Many small business owners did a masterful pivot to adapt their business to working virtually in 2020. Now, many are finding these new skills will actually help them do even better business in 2021, addressing new audiences, customer service demands, and incorporating a hybrid model of online and offline business.

Whether you navigated 2020 with a solid plan, or never developed a social media strategy, no doubt, today’s world has turned not only your business model on its head but the demands on your social media savvy as well.

A new year is a perfect time to revamp that plan!

Get hands-on with a strategy workbook in this webinar so that you can continue to grow, adapt, and build.

This session offers tools and tips that will help you either launch a successful social media strategy or advance your existing strategy through a proven step-by-step process.
You’ll leave this session with the clarity you need to avoid those dreaded Unsuccessful Random Acts of Social Media Marketing!


* A workbook that we will begin to work through in the session, and that you can continue to build & grow.

* Templates for content distribution that you can reuse and repurpose.

* A channel roadmap to help understand the differences across social media channels and how your strategy can be implemented to one, or several of your choosing.

In part two of the workshop, after you’ve been introduced to the strategy development process, we’ll discuss the latest trends and best practices being used on Facebook and Instagram to implement your strategy.

About Sue

Sue Koch is the woman that never stops. For her, true success is when a person can use their knowledge and experience to bring success to others…and for Sue that means MANY others! After a unique career that spanned Technical Project Director and Senior VP of Ops, she found her passion and success at her private Social Media education firm, that she founded in 2009. Sue guides companies of all sizes through the complexities of social media marketing and aids them in developing the strategies needed to thrive in an intensely competitive business environment. It’s truly where her heart lies… and it shows.

One of the most sought out leaders in her industry, Sue has traveled the country sharing her talents with companies such as Oracle, Accenture, The National Association of REALTORS® and The American Marketing Association. Her unique ability to make social media easy to understand allows her to connect and engage at all levels of an organization and across generations. One client at a time, Sue stops random acts of social media by providing strategic, practical and compelling solutions.  

You can learn more about Sue on her website.