Tell us about your school.
From preschool (age 3) through 8th grade, Catherine Cook students cultivate a deep understanding of the world we live in, find their purpose within it, and develop the leadership skills to leave their mark. Dedicated teachers and administrators work closely with each student and family to identify and foster strengths, ignite imagination, and encourage innovation. Most importantly, we have fun!
What separates you from other schools? What makes you unique?
Our academic approach utilizes project-based learning and inspires both independent and collaborative thinking. A thoughtful blend of new technologies and tried and true resources integrate disciplines to keep students engaged and excited about learning. In age-appropriate ways, students also learn to be change makers around issues of equity and social justice. Additionally, Catherine Cook has a very active parent community that comes together regularly in support of the school and for social events.

What do you like about the Old Town neighborhood?
We have been in our current location at 226 W. Schiller St. for more than 20 years, but our roots in Old Town go back to 1985 when we were known as the Melrose Cooperative Nursery School, housed in Immaculate Conception Church. In that time, Catherine Cook has built so many strong relationships with other local schools and organizations, and we’re proud to be able to serve the Old Town community and Chicago as a whole for years to come. We hope you’ll come visit us soon!
Are there any events or promotions coming up that you want to share?
The application deadline for the 2022-2023 school year is Monday, December 13, 2021. After that date, we will begin our rolling admission opportunity for limited remaining seats. Click here to schedule a tour
or submit your application!