Are you gearing up for 4th Quarter?

Great merchandise? Check.
Great prices? Check.
Great Service? Check.

But what about your windows? Your signage? Your storefront? With all of the prep work required for Fall and Holiday business, don’t overlook cleanliness and creativity to ensure that you (and your business) look your best.

After 25 years as head of Marshall Field’s/Macy’s Window Display department, Amy Meadows is uniquely suited to bring retail design solutions from State Street to Wells Street

Please join Amy as she provides user-friendly (and budget-friendly) ideas for merchandise displays, signage improvements, branding and other retail considerations. Too much merchandise to show? Or not enough? Running short on time? And/or money? Step by step, Amy will identify common dilemmas that independent businesses face, followed by recommendations and ideas for presentation methods to work with a variety of merchandise assortments.

The Old Town Merchants and Residents Association is excited to welcome Amy Meadows to give a presentation on best practices for retailers for this upcoming holiday season!


For more information please email or call 312.951.6106. OTMRA members can sign up by calling the OTMRA office or by emailing Sam Waldorf at