Small Business Saturday 2023
OTMRA will also be selling Old Town Holiday Ornaments at our table – stop by to purchase one!
OTMRA Board Election
Holiday Tree Lighting 2023
2023 Trick-or-Treat on Wells Street!
Happy Halloween! Join OTMRA and participating Old Town businesses for family friendly Trick-or-Treating on Wells Street! Starting at 3pm and going on through the evening, there will be candy and treats for the kids and the chance for adults to meet and mingle with their neighbors and local retailers. Participating locations are below:
Networking Extravaganza 2023
Make new connections at the annual multi-chamber networking event! The Lincoln Park Chamber of Commerce Networking Extravaganza is on Wednesday! Kick back and get to know professionals from the north, south and west sides of Chicago at this one-of-a-kind multi-chamber event. Make new connections and catch up with trusted contacts while indulging in delicious appetizers and