April is Old Town Appreciation Month!

Participate in daily virtual challenges throughout the month to win a $25 gift card to the Old Town business of your choice! Check the OTMRA Facebook and Instagram for the posted daily challenge. Challenges vary per day, so check back often!

Rules and Restrictions

Email receipts (for purchase-based challenges) and completed answer sheets (for non-purchase-based challenges) to rrubinson@oldtownchicago.org with the date and challenge name in the subject line (ie “4/1 Wellness Wednesday Challenge”).

Entries should be sent in within one day of the challenge (i.e. entry for a Friday challenge should be sent in by Saturday night).

Only one entry per person per day. All entries should be submitted with contact information, including name, phone number, and email address.

Map of Old Town Shopping Boundaries

Clark (East) – Halsted (West) & Menomonee (North) – Division (South)